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The integration of natural and urban environments is a progressive gesture in urban planning and development. To encourage discourse and bring awareness to the advantages ofhuman to plant relationship, grOCAD inaugurates, directs and supervises projects that green OCAD's campus and surrounding community.​​​ Our projects spread awareness of new technologies and invigorate students to question the traditional, to rethink systems and make discoveries and innovations for themselves.

Learning Zone WindowFarm


The WindowFarm was inspired by an open-source learning initiative called, which empowers non-experts throughResearch & DIY programming.


Our system is self regulated, allowing plants to flourish in the OCAD U Library's Learning Zone with minimal human effort.


This is the group's first project, where we experimented with and learned the basics of hydroponic gardening. 

Aquaponic System​


Aquaponics can be described as a close-loop, self sustaining system, which raises nutritious plants and healthy fish simultaneously.​ Fish and plant cultivation combineto foster a symbiotic relationship, self-sustaining ecosystem and free fresh food for OCAD University students.



PedalFarm is a vertical farm and exploration of the way in which we have become disconnected from the effort required to grow our food. The unit creates a playful way to experience once more the intimate relationship between manual work and the sustenance we rely on, while providing calming green space, purified air and free food for students.


This system was featured in the Grow Op Exhibition, Gladstone Hotel, 2013. 

© 2014 by GrOCAD. Join us to improve Toronto's community by getting involved or coming out to our workshops!

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